Sunday, January 31, 2010

Day 17

This is an enlarged painting of an element in one of Van Gough's paintings... I borrowed it and painted it larger...

Day 16

I love this one if I do say so myself. It was a still-life painting of a lime and two oranges.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Day 10

Yes, it is a real tall one... I had to photograph it in two shots but it really is about 4" x 14". I was practicing my impressionistic brush strokes.

Day 9

There is something about this painting that really speaks to me. First when I look at it I see my attempt to simply contrast warm red and cold blue to create interest—not overly interesting. But, as I continue to look at this I see much more. I sense emotion in this entry. My soul was trying to speak to me as I painted this. I am well pleased with this one.

Day 8

I am not in love with the form this one ended with but I am liking the impressionistic center of the spiral. I'd like to take that style a few steps further in some upcoming paintings.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Day 7

This painting is not my fav so far but I am really liking the idea of painting something iconic and floral or plant like on exposed wood. The panel has been varnished which gives it a smoother and more rich texture and consequently looks more saturated. Overall I feel this painting does not have enough contrast for my taste. This will be something to consider if I decide to do more in this style...

Floral Art Continues

So floral paintings may be where I am headed but I am thinking at some point I will branch out. What seems to be most relevant to me as I am doing these paintings is the contrast of the objects being juxtaposed against a large negative space which I feel here is almost so imposing it becomes questionable as to which is the negative/positive spacial relationship.

Friday, January 15, 2010

I am really happy with the way this painting turned out. I plan to pursue other paintings that match this one stylistically. I painted this free hand and it came purely from my imagination—I wasn't painting from objects. It feels really nice to be exploring my creative self and coming up with an objective expression, "a flower".

Monday, January 11, 2010

365 Creative

Here I am. Embarking on a 365 day creative journey with my dear friend Caroline. We started yesterday with our first painting—each of us respectively. I will post an image of this painting as soon as I am able. It's not really finished but I think that's ok. I don't really expect in doing a painting a day for 365 days to produce 365 completely objectified and realized works of art. I think anyone would get what Caroline and I are trying to do here. That is, we are seeking to ignite our creative fire through a shared commitment to each other and to each other and to ourselves by choosing to do 1 creative work of art per day for 365 days...

Having painted last night the first installment. I think this will be a highly enriching experience which re-institutes the creative aspect of my soul. I am desperate to reconnect with this vital energy force within myself. Because without it I am and have been a steadily wilting flower. So I call upon all the great spirit of creativity to intervene in my life and refresh my soul. I commence this journey.