Monday, January 11, 2010

365 Creative

Here I am. Embarking on a 365 day creative journey with my dear friend Caroline. We started yesterday with our first painting—each of us respectively. I will post an image of this painting as soon as I am able. It's not really finished but I think that's ok. I don't really expect in doing a painting a day for 365 days to produce 365 completely objectified and realized works of art. I think anyone would get what Caroline and I are trying to do here. That is, we are seeking to ignite our creative fire through a shared commitment to each other and to each other and to ourselves by choosing to do 1 creative work of art per day for 365 days...

Having painted last night the first installment. I think this will be a highly enriching experience which re-institutes the creative aspect of my soul. I am desperate to reconnect with this vital energy force within myself. Because without it I am and have been a steadily wilting flower. So I call upon all the great spirit of creativity to intervene in my life and refresh my soul. I commence this journey.

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